About Us

Our Staff

  • Senior Pastor

    Wayne resides in New Auburn with his wife, six children and 3 grandchildren. Wayne has been working in ministry with his wife, Kristine, since 1992. He has served in the senior pastor role of Freedom Community Church since 2004. Wayne is very involved in the community. He is a Science Teacher in the New Auburn School District, High School football coach, and has served on the NAFD for 30 plus years. As a lifelong resident of New Auburn, his roots are in farming and the rural community. Wayne’s hobbies include coaching, hunting, fishing and ministering of the Gospel around the World wherever God opens the opportunity.

  • Associate Pastor

    Ben has been in ministry since 1975. He has been married 35 years to his wife Nancy. He has 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Ben leads the hymns at church each week. He is a mister fix it on the side and semi-retired.

  • President of Leadership Board

    John resides in New Auburn with his wife Rachel and 2 kids. He has attended FCC for over 20 years and has served in various roles during that time.

  • Ministry Coordinator

    Brooke’s role is to assist with organization and communication between the Leadership team, pastors and congregation. Being born and raised up in this church, Brooke is truly passionate about allowing God to use her to reach every individual that walks through the doors as well as help the business aspect of the church run efficiently and effectively. Both she and her husband, Mike, who is also active in ministry, enjoy raising their three children up in this church family.

  • Glow Leader

    Jon serves as FCC's Glow leader. The role of the Glow team is to arrange and provide for the celebration of God's presence in worship. Jon has been attending FCC for 3 years and is passionate about FCC being a place where God's presence is manifested in every church service through worship, prayer and teaching Biblical truths. Jon resides in Bloomer with his wife Alisha of 17 years and 3 kids. Quote “ Don’t tell me about the pain, just show me the baby!”

  • Give Leader

    Judy serves as FCC's Give Leader. The role of the Give team is to demonstrate God's love through service and provide for the oversight of the caring ministries of the church. As a lifelong resident of New Auburn, Judy has deep roots in the community. From her earliest recollection, she has been an active member of the church. She is passionate about ensuring our facility is clean and welcoming to all.

  • At Large Leader

    Kansas serves in the churches at-large position. She takes concerns and suggestions from church members and presents them the leadership team. Her role is to implement an effective communication system and a person to go to for ideas or concerns. Kansas also teaches middle school science at the local public school. She has been an active member of the church since her high school years and is excited to serve the church.


  • Gather Leader

    The role of the Gather team is to provide opportunities for building up life-impacting relationships within the church. Laura resides in New Auburn with her husband Daniel. They have 3 children.

  • Grow Leader

    Kristine serves as FCC's Grow Leader as well as handles all the duties of being a pastor's wife and mother of six children. The role of the Grow team is to be responsible for the education and discipleship programs of the church. Kris has been active in ministry for almost 30 years. She is a high school special education teacher in the community and enjoys time with her three grandchildren.

  • Treasurer

    Mike serves as the church treasurer, managing the finances of the church as directed by the congregation. He also serves on the worship team. Mike has been an active member of the church for 15 years. He and his wife are both lifelong residents of New Auburn and have three children.

  • Secretary

    Linda’s biggest role is assisting the Ministry Coordinator with keeping the behind the scenes paperwork updated like memberships, weddings, baptisms, birthdays, deaths, etc. She is also active in all our 5Gs when needed.

    Read Linda's journey below -
    How I started my walk with God:

    • First time visiting FCC and started attending church services in November of 2014.

    • Gave my life to Christ on March 6th, 2016.

    • Baptized on August 7th, 2016.

    • Became a official member on February 4th, 2018.

    • Started serving as Secretary/Clerk on February 2nd, 2020.

  • Youth Pastor

    Lance serves as the youth pastor. As the youth pastor he organizes activities/ministries for youth grades 6-12. He is passionate about helping youth with everyday issues, playing guitar, and meeting new people. His mission is to introduce youth to Christ as well as provide support and encouragement through all circumstances. He and his wife live in New Auburn. They have a beautiful daughter and baby #2 on the way.

  • Go Leader

    Dakota has been an active member of the church since he became a Christian in 2013. As the Go Leader, he is especially passionate about serving the church and working with youth. Dakota lives in New Auburn with his wife and 2 children.


Our Vision

The “5G” Vision of the New Auburn FREEDOM Community Church(FCC) is to be a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, family-oriented ministry that observes Biblical Truth and seeks:

  • To EQUIP believers to GROW in the Biblical Truth of Jesus Christ, empowering every believer for God’s calling through spiritual transformation, character development and the spiritual gifts in order to mature the Body.

  • To EQUIP people to GLOW in an atmosphere of praise and worship, prayer and intercession. Creating an opportunity for all to experience a greater anointing and touch from God. People will no longer know of Him, but will know Him personally.

  • To EQUIP our church family to GATHER together in order to produce an atmosphere that is Jesus focused, family and individual friendly, and where healing, hope and love can abound.

  • To EQUIP servants to GIVE in our church, community and beyond by serving God through their time, talents, abilities and finances.

  • To EQUIP the body of Christ to GO and proclaim the Gospel to all the earth in word and miraculous power, making disciples and baptizing them.

What We Believe

For our denominational Statement of Belief (Click Here)

FCC Church Covenant:

  • We covenant to keep the commandments of God, sustained in faith in Jesus Christ.

  • We covenant to meet for worship on the Sabbath, and to support the programs of the church.

  • We covenant to give in service a fair proportion of our time, abilities, and material possessions in the belief that these are given to us as a trust from God.

  • We covenant to watch over each other for good and to pray for each other to the intent that we may grow in wisdom and spiritual understanding.

FCC Statement of Belief:

  • We believe in one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

  • We believe that mankind was created in the image of God, both male and female (as referenced in our faith based policy document titled “Our Faith Based Policy on Marriage and Human Sexuality).

  • We believe that sin is disobedience to God and failure to live according to His will, making mankind in need of a Savior.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and lives eternally with the Father, thus providing a resurrection for believers.

  • We believe that God’s Church is all believers gathered into a body, with Christ as the head.

  • We believe in baptism by immersion as a symbol of death to sin, a pledge to a new life in Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that the Lord’s Supper commemorates the suffering and death of our Redeemer.

  • We believe that the Sabbath of the Bible, the seventh day of the week, is sacred time.

  • We believe, based on the teaching of the Scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments, that marriage is an Institution ordained by God from the foundation of the world, and intended as a lifelong union of one man and one woman (as referenced in our faith based policy document titled “Our Faith Based Policy on Marriage and Human Sexuality)

Our History

For a history of the Seventh Day Baptist denomination in America please visit: https://www.seventhdaybaptist.org.